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In recent years, the term quan, which serves as the Chinese translation of “rights,” has gained currency in feminist and queer activism in China as exemplified by the popularity of rights-related terms such as nüquan (women’s rights), quanli (rights and interests) and quanyi (rights and benefits) for sexual and gender minorities. As political and legal reforms remain difficult, many of these activist practices take media-related forms such as women’s and queer film festivals or media campaigns to advocate different forms of quan for women and sexual minorities. What does the term quan actually mean when used by different individual feminist and queer activists and communal organizations in different contexts? What is the relationship between quan and the idea of human rights? How do the activists use media to engage, develop, or challenge quan and other rights-related concepts relevant to gender/sexuality? Furthermore, how do these quan and rights-based media practices in China shed light on current scholarly discussions on human rights?


This study will look at feminist and queer media culture in China as processes that articulate, generate, and contest rights-related concepts and practices. This project will offer new conceptualization of quan as mediation of feminist and queer rights that problematizes the Eurocentric, normativized, and teleological conceptions of rights, while not falling into the trap of Chinese cultural exceptionalism. This site is one of the outcomes of the project and serves as a bilingual online database


近年來,「權」這個字以及相關概念如「女權」、性小眾「權利」和「權益」等在中國女權及酷兒運動中有一定能見度 。 面對政治和法律改革的困難,這些運動多以媒體相關形式來推動,比如舉辦女性及酷兒影展或媒體活動,為女性和性小眾發聲,爭取各樣「權」。當「權」為不同女權人士、酷兒運動者和組織在不同語境所採用時,它的實質定義是甚麼?「權」和「人權」兩者有甚麼關係?女權及酷兒運動人士如何使用媒體來提出、推動或挑戰「權」以及其他性/別權益相關的概念?更重要的是,中國這些與「權」相關的媒體運動為現今學術界對權的討論帶來甚麼啟示? 



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This website lists the feminist and queer concepts, discourses, and practices related to rights under the three categories: the legal contexts of rights, the popular discourse of rights, and rights-related organizations and practices. Additionally, a bibliography of references and further academic reading pertaining to both rights-related feminism and queer concepts and practices is included in the section of “Selected Bibliography”. The “Other Links” section has listed out complimentary materials for understanding how the notion of rights intersects with gender/sexuality in contemporary China.












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