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Rights (quan) in Women’s Voices


3.1 《女聲》中的“權”: Welcome

Women’s Voice, launched in 2009, is a weekly feminist e-paper edited by Media Monitor for Women Network, a women’s civil society organization in Beijing. It analyzes and comments on current affairs related to women’s rights and gender equality; tracks and responds to mass media reports on issues related to women and gender; reports on the activities of women’s civil society organizations; and translates information of international women’s movements. The term “rights” (quan) appears frequently in Women’s Voice mainly in the following terms: quanli, quanyi, human rights, and feminist actions/activities. 


1. Quanli

“Women’s rights and interests” (funü quanli) refers to women’s human rights and fundamental freedoms, including equal rights to education, employment, political participation, access to productive resources, and health and reproductive rights. When the term “women’s rights” is mentioned in Women’s Voice, the articles focus on the following aspects: first, to oppose to violence against women, especially domestic violence and sexual violence at work or in schools, and also the impacts of environmental damage and natural disasters on women; second, and respect women’s autonomy over their bodies, including the right to abortion, breastfeeding, sexual freedom, the opposition to family planning policies and the emphasis on dowry and chastity, as well as to protect the rights of sex workers and oppose sexual slavery; third, to affirm the value of women’s domestic work in family life, and to downplay the traditional biological determinism of dividing labor between genders; fourth, to oppose gender discrimination, gender stereotypes and structural inequality in the workplace, including to demand equal pay for the same work and the right to retire at the same age; fifth, to be concerned with the rights of women in poor and rural areas, including land ownership, equality in family property, and sex; sixth, to demand social and public services, such as the establishment of shelters for women and children, free childcare services for working mothers in poverty, and the establishment of a non-discriminatory and proper work environment in the public sector; seventh, to demand social justice from the state and government, including strengthening the state’s judicial commitment to end gender violence, placing more women in decision-making positions, reducing poverty, opposing women trafficking, and reducing maternal and child mortality. 

It’s worth noting that “combating prostitution” is portrayed in the Chinese government’s policy propagandas as an achievement in upholding “women’s rights,” which is contrary to the appeal of Women’s Voice to end the institutional violence against sex workers. 

1. 權利



2. Quanyi

“Women’s rights and benefits” (funü quanyi) usually refers to women’s political, economic, social, educational and legal rights, which overlap with funü quanli in terms of specific content and areas involved. The most common issues include employment discrimination, sexual harassment, sex worker’ rights, domestic violence, gender equality legislation, women’s political participation, rural women’s rights, maternal and child rights, and economic statuses. Compared to funü quanli, funü quanyi is more often mentioned in the discussion of legislative issues and references to the Law of on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests. However, in general, funü quanyi often appears in the same article or on the same topic as funü quanli with no clear distinction. 

2. 權益

婦女權益通常指婦女在政治、經濟、社會、教育和法律等方面的權利,在具體內容和涉及的領域上與「婦女權利」有很多重合。最常見的議題包括就業歧視(如《就業歧視不立案女生控告海淀法院》)、性騷擾(如《廣州一法院依婦女權益保障法判決性騷擾》)、性工作者權益(如《「請停止對性工作者的一切傷害 」》)、家庭暴力(如《是沉默還是未充分傳播》)、性別平等立法(如《深圳性別平等促進條例(徵求意見稿)值得關注》)、婦女的政治參與(如《女議員要佔3%,印度小黨說不》)、農村婦女權益(如《「兩會」婦女權益倡議小覽》)、母嬰權利(如《台立法保障哺乳權》)、及經濟地位(如《夫妻互查財產規定難落實》)等。與「婦女權利」相比,「婦女權益」更多地在討論立法問題以及引用《婦女權益保障法》時提及。但從總體上看,經常與「婦女權利」在同一篇文章或同一話題中同時出現,無明顯區別。  

3. Human rights

“Women’s human rights” mainly focuses on women’s sexual and reproductive health rights. According to the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) and International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific), women’s human rights are non-negotiable; countries should stop attempts to override traditional values or morality over international law. 

3. 人權

婦女人權主要針對婦女的性與生殖健康權。婦女全球領導中心(CWGL)與亞太國際婦女權利行動觀察組織(IWRAW Asia Pacific)指出,婦女人權不容協商,各國應阻止將傳統價值或道德凌駕於國際法的企圖。 

3.1 《女聲》中的“權”: Text

4. ​Feminism (nüquan)

Since 2012, there have been many activities named after feminism, as shown in the “Youth Feminist Action School (YFAS)” section of Feminist and Queer Media in China’s website. The analysis of the term “feminist” here is based on the analysis of Women’s Voices as an example. “Feminist actions/activities/movements” refer to activities that defend women’s rights, including the rights to participate in politics, physical and sexual freedom, and activities that are against the sexual abuse of children, domestic violence, sex discrimination in employment, etc. Specific campaigns include “Blood Brides” (February 2012), “Occupy the Men’s Restroom” (February 2012), “One Person, One Photo, Power Against Sexual Harassment” (June 2012), “Bald Action” that protested against sex discrimination in college admissions (August 2012), “Naked Photos Against Domestic Violence” (November 2012-January 2013), the experimental communication and advocacy campaign “Xiao Meili’s Feminist Walk” (September 2013-February 2014), the street art campaign “Building A House for the Victim with the Law” (November 2013) against domestic violence, etc. Among them, the signature collection campaign for domestic violence legislation (November 2012-January 2013) is regarded as promising for the development of a social movement. 

However, as the influence of feminist actions expands and online marketing increases, feminist activities are being marketed by businesses. On the other hand, misconceptions about “feminism” persist, and “doing feminism” (which means organizing feminist campaigns) is sometimes labelled as a negative action. Feminists are sometimes targeted for their identities, and some young feminists who have repeatedly engaged in anti-sexist activism have been barred from leaving the country without written documentation from airport staff. 

4. 女權

自2012年以來,社會上出現了許多以女權命名的行動,詳情可見「中國女權與酷兒媒體」網站中「青年女權行動派」一欄。此處對「女權」一詞的分析是以《女聲》為例。 「女權活動/女權行動/女權運動」指維護女性權利的活動,包括提倡參政權利、身體自由和性自由,反對對兒童的性侵害問題、家庭暴力、及就業性別歧視等活動。具體的活動包括「受傷的新娘」活動(2012年2月)、「佔領男廁所」活動(2012年2月)、「一人一照片,力反性騷擾」活動(2012年6月)、抗議高校招生性別歧視的「光頭行動」(2012年8月)、「裸照反家暴」活動(2012年11月至2013年1月)、實驗性的傳播和倡導行動「美麗的女權徒步」(2013年9月至2014年2月)、反對家庭暴力的「用法律給受害者蓋房子」的街頭藝術運動(2013年11月)等。其中督促反家暴立法的徵集簽名活動(2012年11月至2013年1月)被認爲具有發展爲社會運動的希望。 


3.1 《女聲》中的“權”: Text
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