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Weibo Feminism


2.4 微博女權: Welcome

Representative Discourse 代表言論 

Sina Weibo (or Weibo for short) is a micro-blogging website, one of the largest social media platforms in China, similar to Twitter in terms of functionality. “Weibo Feminism” is an online term without a clear definition. It does not refer to all the feminists on Weibo. Instead, it is specifically used to describe a group of popular bloggers who identify themselves as feminists. These bloggers are concerned about issues such as naming rights for children (advocating matrinames), surrogacy (advocating against all forms of surrogacy), marriage and childbirth (advocating against marriage and childbirth), and treating men and married women with disgust, labeling the latter as “marriage donkey”, “money losers” and so on. The main representative viewpoints include: 1) standing against all forms of surrogacy; 2) standing against marriage and childbirth; 3) children should inherit their mothers’ family names; 4) transgender people can’t understand the dilemma of women and do not belong to the female group; 5) standing against domestic violence and sexual abuse of children. The representative accounts include @Linmaomao (890,000 followers), @Chenyuanyuanlishishi (440,000 followers), @ I am Luosheng (660,000 followers)

新浪微博(簡稱微博)是一個微博客網站,是中國最大的社交媒體平台之一,在使用上功能與推特類似。「微博女權」是一個網絡用語,並沒有明確的定義。從使用的語境來看,它並非指微博上所有的女權主義者,而是特指微博上,部分自詡為女權主義者的中小V博主。微博女權的主要議題以孩子的冠姓權(主張繼承母姓)、代孕(主張反對一切形式的代孕)、婚育(主張反婚反育)為主;有些在態度上厭惡男性和已婚女性,並將後者冠以「婚驢」及「賠錢貨」等污名。主要的代表性觀點包括:一、 反對一切形式的代孕;二、反對婚育;三、 孩子應該跟母姓;四、跨性別者無法體會女性的困境,不屬於女性群體;五、反對家庭暴力和對兒童的性侵害。較有代表性的微博女權賬號有:@林毛毛(89萬)、@陳猿猿李獅獅(44萬),和@我是落生(66萬)等。

2.4 微博女權: Text

Other Accounts on Weibo


The active feminist accounts on Weibo also include journalists, scholars and activists who have followed gender issues over a long period of time (e.g. @Lüpin, @Lisipan, @Xiaomeili, etc.), gender-related NGOs and media (e.g. @Orange Umbrella, @BIEdenühai, etc.), and individuals who have been active in voicing or organizing activities on gender-related social issues in recent years (e.g. @Xianzi and her friends, @Liangyu Stacey, etc.). There are other influential accounts that have been banned from Sina Weibo at various moments in the past. These accounts have different views on specific issues, sometimes arguing and sometimes interacting, which has created a wide variety of discourse spaces related to women’s Rights on Weibo. 


微博上活躍的女權賬號還包括長期以來一直關注性別議題的媒體人、學者和行動者(如@呂頻、@李思磐、@肖美膩 等等),與性別議題相關的非政府組織,青年文化媒體(如@橙雨傘、@BIE別的女孩 等等),和近年來在性別相關的社會議題上活躍發聲或組織行動的個人(如@弦子與她的朋友們、@梁鈺stacey 等等)。當然還有其他頗具影響力,卻在不同時期被新浪微博封禁的賬號。在具體問題上,她們的觀點不盡相同,有時會有爭論,也時有互動呼應,共同營造了微博上女權相關的多樣的話語空間。 

2.4 微博女權: Text
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