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1. On June 24, 2012, YFAS staged performance art, including holding a sign that read “I could be slutty, you could not harass me,” inside the Shanghai metro to protest against the victim-blaming comments on sexual harassment made by the metro authorities on its official Weibo account.






2. On May 27, 2013, outside a primary school in the city of Wanning in Hainan Province, Ye Haiyan and others protested against the school’s headmaster, who was accused of molesting schoolgirls. Ye held a placard that read  “Headmaster, get a room with me, let go of the girls”. Ye’s actions gained the support of YFAS and other netizens, who started a campaign that involved posting photos of themselves holding the same slogan or showing the slogan written on their bodies in protest against sexual molestation of the schoolgirls.







3. From Sept. 2013 to March 2014, Xiao Meili started her walk from Beijing to Guangzhou to raise awareness of sexual molestation of schoolgirls.







Relevant Influences of Events 2 and 3: On Aug. 29, 2015,  the 16th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress passed Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law. One of the focuses of this amendment was to repeal the crime of sex with underage prostitutes. Such crime would be reclassified as rape and receive tougher punishment. The new law took effect on Nov. 01, 2015.

事件2和3的相關的影響:2015年8月29日, 十二屆全國人大常委會第十六次會議表決通過了刑法修正案(九)。此次刑法修改的焦點之一是取消嫖宿幼女罪,今後對此類行為,一律適用刑法中關於「姦淫幼女的以強姦論,從重處罰」的規定。修正案自2015年11月1日起施行。


4. On Sept. 10, 2014, YFAS were dressed as the Little Red Riding Hood to stage performance art in nine universities to protest sexual harassment on campus after a professor from Xiamen University had been accused of sexually harassing a female student. Those nine universities are in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Lanzhou, Xi’an and Changchun.






Result: On Oct 14, 2014, Xiamen University announced on its website that disciplinary measures had been imposed on Wu Chunming, the professor accused of sexually harassing the female student: his Communist party membership had been revoked and he had been disqualified as a teacher.


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