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Remarks on Selected Feminist Actions


1. This section summarizes YFAS’s important and influential feminist actions from 2012 to 2015.


2. The actions are selected based on both the article published by Feminist Voice “Moving to the Public: Summary of 40 Moments of Change” and the studies done by researchers on YFAS in China. The 37 feminist actions selected here could all be found on the internet. These actions have been reported by the mainstream (online) media, instead of merely being discussed on the feminists’ own social media groups.


3. The actions are categorized into the following 9 topics: 1) fighting for equal public space; 2) anti-domestic violence/gender-based violence; 3) anti-sexism in education and in workplace; 4) anti-sexual harassment and anti-sexual assault; 5) fighting against gender stereotypes; 6) anti-sexism in the media; 7) cooperation between feminists and LGBT activists; 8) gender and working-class issues; 9) the Feminist Five case.


4. Influence/result of the feminist actions: 1) some feminist actions associated with YFAS, mainly the four lawsuits of anti-sexism in the workplace from 2013 to 2015, had direct results/influence on the course of subsequent events; 2) some feminist actions were explicitly targeted at certain incidents and policies related to gender but had indirect results/influence on subsequent events; the outcome of such incidents and policy changes will be seen as related to such feminist actions and thus listed here accordingly (e.g. the 2013 government’s draft regulation that sets hygienic standards for public toilet is related to YFAS’s occupation of men’s toilets; the 2015 national law against domestic violence is related to a series of YFAS actions fighting against domestic violence/gender violence); 3)some feminist actions had hitherto neither a direct nor indirect influence/result on subsequent events; thus there are no attendant explanations of their influence/result.


5. This selection does not list all media activities in relation to gender and feminism. Information will be updated now and then. We welcome any suggestions and questions.




1.  此欄目主要總結2012-2015年各地女權行動派成員重要的或有影響力的行動。


2. 入選的行動主要根據女權之聲發佈的文章《走向公共:40個改變的新時刻總結》 (,以及研究女權行動派的學者的觀察總結。入選的37個行動都是在網路上能搜索到,並曾被主流媒體/主流網路媒體報導討論,而並非只在女權小組的自媒體中討論和傳播。


3. 入選行動涉及的領域及分類為以下9種:1) 爭取平等公共空間; 2) 反家暴/性別暴力; 3) 反對升學就業性別歧視; 4) 反性騷擾/性侵; 5) 反對性別氣質刻板印象;6)反對媒體性別歧視; 7)女權與LGBT行動者間的合作; 8) 性別與工人議題; 9)五女權案。


4. 行動與行動的結果/影響: 1)有直接結果及影響的女權行動,主要為2013-2015年職場性別歧視訴訟的4個案件;2)有些本身是明確針對特定性別事件及其政策的行動的結果/影響是間接的,因此這些性別事件的結果及政策的改變均被視為此行動有關的結果/影響,例如2013年《公共廁所衛生標準》(徵求意見稿)出台與女權行動派佔領男廁所的行動有關,或2015年《反家庭暴力法》通過與女權行動派一系列反家暴/性別暴力的行動有關; 3)有些女權行動當下及到現在沒有明確結果/影響,故此沒有加以闡述。


5. 此總結尚未包含所有重要事件,會不定期更新、盡力完善。如有建議或疑問,歡迎聯繫我們。



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