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Remarks on Selection of the Events


1. This section summarizes the major events and organizations related to both the LGBT community and media, including 1) the events focused on media and film; 2) the organizations which use the media and/or films to launch campaigns or foster discussion among the LGBT community and/or the public; 3) the events that attracted great amount of media attention, most of which were unprecedented and/or very influential for future activism. 


2. The events listed in this section were selected based on the “Post-1995 Major Events on Gender Equality” Project of the Columbia Global Centers on March 03, 2015; the researchers’ participant observation in the feminist/gender events in mainland China; and other data collected for this project.


3. A brief introduction and relevant links to each event are provided here. For the organizations which use the media and/or films to launch campaigns or foster discussion among the LGBT community and/or the public, their establishment, development and missions are introduced. For the events on media and queer, time, process and influence are described.


4. This section does not include all media events or organizations related to the LGBT community. Information will be updated from now and then. We welcome any suggestions and questions.




1. 此欄目總結了自2000年以來LGBT社區和媒體相關的大事件和主要機構,其中包括:1)以媒體或影像為主的活動; 2)以媒體或影像為主要媒介發起行動及討論的機構;3)引起媒體廣泛關注的LGBT行動,通常是當時第一次發生的,並具有重要影響力的行動。


2. 入選的事件參考了哥倫比亞大學全球中心在2015年3月3日發佈的「後1995中國性別與女權大事記」項目資料, 以及本項目研究員對中國內地LGBT社區行動的參與觀察與資料搜集,綜合總結所得。


3. 我們將對每個事件進行簡要的介紹及提供相關網絡連結。以媒體或影像為主要媒介發起行動及討論的機構介紹,包括機構成立的時間、發展及宗旨;針對媒體,影像為主的活動介紹,包括時間、過程及影響。


4. 此總結尚未包含所有有關酷兒與媒體的重要事件,會不定期更新、盡力完善。如有建議或疑問,歡迎聯繫我們。

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