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Fighting for Equality in the Public


1. “Occupying Men’s Toilets” : In Feb., 2012 in cities such as Guangzhou, Beijing, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, and Xi’an, female university students staged performance art in public toilets by “occupying” men’s toilet to call for regulations that would increase the number of women’s toilets







2. YFAS carried the foam toilets they made to protest in front of the office building of the Guangzhou City Management Committee on Aug. 20, 2012 to call for regulations that would increase the number of women’s toilets.







Relevant Influences:On Feb. 24, 2013, the Ministry of Health in China issued a new regulation on the ratio of men’s versus women’s cubicles in public toilets as 1:2. On Nov. 19, 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued another new regulation stipulating that the new ratio of the men’s versus women’s cubicles in public toilets should range from 2:3 to 1:2.



以上兩個行動有關的影響: 2013年2月24日,衛生部《公共廁所衛生標準》(徵求意見稿)出台。《標準》規定,公共廁所廁位比例宜為男比女1:2。 2016年11月19日,住房和城鄉建設部《城市公共廁所設計標準》修訂,男女廁位提高到2:3至1:2的範圍。

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